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Concussion Guidance: ‘If in doubt, sit them out’

Posted: 3rd May 2023

Concussion Guidance: ‘If in doubt, sit them out’

The UK Government published new guidance today (28 April 2023) titled UK Concussion Guidelines for Non-Elite (Grassroots) Sport‘If In Doubt, Sit Them Out’ which recommends a phased return to sport after concussion. A minimum period of 21 days between the concussion and return to competitive sport is advised.

The guidance also highlights the seriousness of concussion and head injuries and makes the recommendation that anyone who suffers a head injury which leads to a suspected concussion should rest for 24 hours and not engage in activities which would include driving, drinking alcohol and riding.  Emergency medical care should be sought if there are listed red flags, and for 48 hours rest should be continued.

The HPA and SUPA take head injuries very seriously and as such the rule the HPA have a rule in place for the event of a concussion. A player will not be permitted to play for a minimum of one week (7 days) from the date of the concussion, and must produce a certificate of fitness from a doctor. The doctor must have also seen the report from the club Safety Officer/Medic on site(see Rule 2.2J in the 2023 Year Book)

We advise and request that that you read this guidance and familiarise yourself with the latest recommendations. They are for your benefit and well-being, and should be taken seriously. No one should take any risk of injury to themselves following a head injury, and we are in the process of reviewing our policy in light of this new information. We will continue to enforce rule 2.2J until this review is completed.

Government Guidance 


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