Become a SUPA member

Signup for SUPA Membership today

Complete the form below to sign up for SUPA Membership for yourself or team

1. Account Type

To get started please choose the type of applicant that most accurately describes you.

If you are a University Player that wishes to manage the team please choose University Team Manager and then also add yourself as a Member when prompted.

Please choose one of the account types from the options above
2. Your user account information

This is the information you will use to login on the SUPA website.

IMPORTANT: We highly recommend you create a free email address (eg. Gmail or similar) to use for your University's SUPA Team Manager account as this will enable seamless passing of the account from one person to another over time.

3. Your information

Please tell us about your below as well as define who we should display as the key contact for Polo at your and what their email address is. This may be yourself (as Team Manager) or someone else.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure you enter the University's primary address. Do not enter personal addresses.

Please tell us whether you are the key contact for the ?
Please tell us whether to share key contact information with other team managers?
3. Your player information

Enter your player information below. Some fields will have been filled in for you based on information provided above.

Please tell us whether you are an International player
Please tell us whether you have ever had an international handicap
Please tell us whether you are an HPA Member?
Please tell us whether you are an Polocrosse Member?
Please tell us whether you are an Pony Club Member?
3. Member(s) Information

Enter information for each member you wish to add below. Click the 'Add Another Member' button to add another if required.

4. Payment information

To complete your signup please enter your payment information and read and agree to the SUPA Terms and Conditions.

Total to pay: £65.00
We accept
payment via:
SUPA accepts Mastercard and Visa payments

Card Details

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